Project Ideas: Femme Tech

In this section I show my sketches for Femme (a more gender-inclusive term than Fem) Tech, technologies to protect, empower, and represent our femme identities.

Safety & Privacy

1. Butterfly Robots that detect & block hidden cameras in closed space by covering the camera(s) with their wings. Since they can’t fly past closed areas, they wouldn’t disable cameras that are outside (e.g. public CCTVs). 

2. Built environment that guards from sexual harassment (e.g. staircase or escalator with gentle inward wings on each staircase to protect taking photos under skirts.)

3. App/extension for couples to safely share private calls, photos, or videos. This is to prevent revenge porn, sharing photos/videos without consent, and to help Muslim women protect themselves in video calls (they can safely take hijab off around friends.) 

4. Animal robots that walk girls home from school.


Femme Fashion

1. Clothes that build themselves based on body shape & preferred fit. This will help defy size/body-shaming as fashion should help enhance/portray your identity, not limit it. (also help diversify "beautiful" body types)
+++ Hijab-friendly/not, mobility aid for wheelchair users, hospital gowns, maternity wear (help lift tummy?)

2. Fashion to portray identity/interests, not gender
     - Egg Collection
     - Mushroom Collection
     - Ribbon Collection
    - Broken glass ceiling shoes — a twist on cinderella’s story. Instead of a “fairy godmother” or “prince charming”, you break and forge your own path through your limits

mushroom2mushroom1mushroom3gourd1corngourd2gourd3pieegg hijab

Empowerment of Femme Identity

1. D&D Robot that runs Dungeons & Dragons (a tabletop roleplaying game, also called D&D) for girls to practice self-advocacy or trans-femme/women to explore their identity as femme/woman.

2. FeministBot, an advocator robot to detect sexism/microaggression & help communicate, set boundaries etc. Help femme employees — robot helps report to manager (lift the burden of proof)

More on the Way!

The brainstorming is ongoing! Contact me if you have any comments, suggestions, or new ideas.