Hi! I'm Soyon, and I recently graduated from University of California San Diego with a B.S. in Mathematics-Computer Science and a minor in Computing Arts! My research interests are in Human-Computer/Robot Interaction, social robots, healthcare technology, social justice, and human-centered design. I am driven by the mission to build technology that reflects the voices of marginalized groups regarding gender, race/ethnicity, disability, and economic background. I work towards these interests at the Healthcare Robotics Lab with Dr. Laurel Riek, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Lab with Dr. Angelique Taylor, and the Smart Sensing for Humans Lab with Dr. Mayank Goel.After graduation, I will pursue a graduate degree to become a (a) researcher who builds technology for underrepresented groups, (b) educator pushing for diversity and inclusion in STEAM, and (c) entrepreneur who makes such technology and education accessible for all, namely for immigrants, people of color, and LGBTQ+ identities. Outside of school and lab, I work as a developmental coach for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, perform with my musical improv team, organize my Math and Art Program, draw for and write children's books, and play Dungeons & Dragons!
Contact me!